Waves (WAVES) Cryptocurrency Economic Model and General Information

What does it do?

Waves is an open blockchain platform designed for users who want to store and trade cryptocurrency on DEX, issue tokens or just make P2P transfers.

Key Features

  • Decentralized an anonymous
  • Easy issuance of tokens
  • Built-in DEX.

General information

Company NameWaves Platform AG
Incorporation dateDecember, 2017
Incorporation AddressSwitzerland

Economic details

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Crypto CurrencyPrice (Euro)24H % Change

Initial Funding & Distribution
Token TypeCryptocurrency
Total Supply Sold85 000 000 WAVES
Total Amount Raised16 010 008 USD
Price During the Crowdsale0.188 USD
Hard Capn/a
Initial Token Distribution85% Crowdsale (85M WAVES)
9% Development Team (9M WAVES)
4% Partners and Backers (4M WAVES)
1% post-ICO bounties (1M WAVES)
1% early supporters (1M WAVES)
Distribution of Funds raisedn/a
Crowdsale DateApril 12, 2016
Top 100 Holders Collectively Own 73.96% (73,961,014.79 Tokens) of WAVES.
Source: http://dev.pywaves.org/balances/
Source: https://blog.wavesplatform.com/waves-ico-structure-and-timeline-87db476cc586

Social Media


Founder & CEOSasha Ivanov
COOMaxim Pertsovskiy
Product ManagerAlexey Kofman
Head of Trading AnalyticsLeonid Matveev
CMOPhilipp Eryushev
CTO (Vostok Project)Artem Kalikhov


Total number of Commits32 089 Commits (76 Repositories)


Burger King Russia – a fast food restaurant that issued a token on Waves DEX.

Gazprombank Digital – the third largest bank in Russia digital division.

Russian National Settlement Depository (NSD) – a non-bank financial institution, central securities depository, and professional securities market participant engaged in depository business.

Deloitte CIS – an audit, consulting, tax and financial advisory services providing company.

Astana International Financial Center – a financial hub in Astana, Kazahstan.

Moscow Stock Exchange – the largest group in Russia, operates trading markets in equities, bonds, derivatives, the foreign exchange market, money markets and precious metals.

Boris Titov – a Russian Politician and billionaire.

Liquid.pro – over-the-counter trading service which is transferring its quotes on stock options entering the Moscow stock exchange to the public.

The Growth Party – a political party lead by Boris Titov.

Microsoft Azure – an ever-expanding set of cloud services for organizations to meet their business challenges.

Kuna – a cryptocurrency exchange.

TMT Investments – the venture capital company investing in high-growth technology companies.


Ethereum – a decentralized platform that runs smart contracts and it allows developers to create their own decentralize application.

AION – a platform for building decentralized applications.

Lisk – a blockchain application platform that helps developers to build blockchain applications and deploy their own sidechain linked to List network.

NEO – a smart economy platform where users can digitize assets using the decentralized network of blockchain technology and digital identity.

Kyber Network – a platform that allows instant and seamless transactions between platforms, ecosystems and other use cases.

Shapeshift – a platform for instant swaps between assets.

faa.st – a platform for instant cryptocurrency trades.

Binance – a centralized cryptocurrency exchange with high liquidity.

Bittrex – a centralized cryptocurrency exchange with high liquidity.

Potential market and clients

There two two main variables that have an impact on adoption of WAVES: 1) how users will be willing to use decentralized exchanges and, 2) how many ICO projects will be willing to launch on WAVES.

Utility and economic dynamics

  • WAVES are needed to tokenize.
  • WAVES are used for matcher fee.
  • At least 1000 WAVES have to be in balance in order to run a node.
  • A WAVES holder can start leasing (leased proof of stake) them.