Cryptocurrencies as store of value components in your portfolio

What kind of asset is Bitcoin? While deciding whether to invest in cryptocurrencies or not, we strongly advise you to analyze basic parameters of this new asset...

Kaiserex’s position on ICOs

Dear Readers, I want to start my first post on this blog by expressing our opinion on ICOs – this topic consumes a lot of attention and capital so i want ...

Exchange performance review – 2017 August/September/October

In order, to learn from our mistakes and improve our decision-making we analyse every order executed. We believe that being transparent will help to maximize ga...

CRYPTO5 portfolio performance

CRYPTO5 portfolio was created in 2016.01.01 and offered to Kaiserex’s clients. It was made public in 2016.12.12 on:

Kaiserex’s emergency notification service

UPDATE: This service has been discontinued on 2017 November 24th and an alternative service will be offered to all Kaiserex’s clients Crypto market is a v...